The Reformed 2020 Bucket List

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If you’re a regular reader, you will know I love a bucket list. This time last year, I’d just returned home from my first holiday as a mum and I whipped up a little travel bucket list for the year ahead with no clue of what 2020 had in store. 2019 me had grand plans! While I might not be soaking up a sunset in San Diego, I do still have a flurry of things that I’m looking forward to ticking off this year when the time is right.

Hopping on the Train to London

Before COVID reared its ugly head, I’d visit London every few months, usually with my Mum for a mosey around the shops and lunch at our favorite restaurant, Scotts. Often, I’d have a blogger event to go down for and we’d tag on some shopping and lunch before getting the train back. Getting there is easy, we always hop on the train at Doncaster as we have lots of family over there so we can tie in some lovely quality time. I can’t wait until we can to take a trip to a bigger city like London with Jolie and maybe stay over (we always stay here) and make a weekend of it.

Eating out with Family and Friends

If there’s one thing I’ve missed more than anything, it’s meeting family and friends for lunch. While the restaurants have been open for almost a month, I’ve avoided them up until now (bar a little takeout from my local pizza place) as I kind of thought all the rules would take the fun out of it. But today, I’m heading out for Sunday lunch at Grantley Hall with my daughter, my Mum, and Auntie and the excitement has well and truly hit home. We haven’t shared a meal together since February! This venue was booked but sadly cancelled back in June due to the pandemic. I’m a homebody at heart, but I didn’t realise how much I had missed socialising until I was digging out an outfit to wear that wasn’t gym kit! Going out to eat was something I used to do 3 or 4 times per week, whether it was a coffee and a catch-up or a fancy dinner and I’m now amazed at how I took it for granted.

Starting a Passion Project

Trying to work from home with minimal childcare has had me feeling like I’m spinning a million plates and the thing I love most has fallen by the wayside. Writing. Not for work, not for my blog, but for me. I love to write creatively in my spare time which in COVID times has been nonexistent and to be honest without a change of scenery, I haven’t felt inspired to write anything. But, recently there’s been a shift and for the first time in an age, I’ve felt pushed to jot down some ideas that will hopefully become the bones of a passion project I’ve wanted to bring to life for years.

A European Jaunt

Travel seemed like a distant dream a few months ago, but as restrictions are relaxed, my dream of watching the sun set over the sea seems like it may materialize after all. Long haul travel is not on the cards, but a little trip to France is in my not so distant future. Fingers crossed it goes to plan!

Making Memories with my Daughter

We still have so many firsts to tick off our list of mummy/daughter moments! The wildlife park, the aquarium, and the beach are all waiting on the backburner. While my life has stood still for the last 6 months, it’s seemed my daughter’s development has been on fast forward and it’s been amazing to watch her learn new things and master skills she couldn’t do before the pandemic hit, like navigating the stairs, putting on her own wellies and perhaps the cutest of all, dancing. She left daycare a wobbly toddler who could only say one word and I’m taking her back a sure-footed, expressive, soon to be two-year-old. Parenting in one room during the last few months has been tough and I’ve felt sad about the exciting outings we’ve missed out on but I’m looking forward to trips to the park and playdates with my mum friends in the near future.

The pandemic is not over but we are slowly but surely being allowed tiny snippets of freedom. What are you most looking forward to in the second half of 2020?

*This was a collaborative post but as always all opinions stated are my own.