The Best Ways To Whiten Your Teeth For Lasting Results

ripped yellow paper showing woman's nose and lips

Being more confident in your smile can sometimes be as simple as having a brighter and whiter smile. Even if you are not 100% happy with the alignment of your teeth, you might feel more confident to smile if you whiten your teeth. 

There are natural ways to whiten your teeth, which can be inexpensive. Or, there are cosmetic treatments that require upkeep and money that can offer long-lasting results. Either way, there are many ways to brighten your teeth if you wish to improve the appearance of your teeth and feel more confident in your smile. 
Use this guide for the top teeth whitening tips that suit all budgets and cosmetic preferences.

Teeth whitening strips

Many companies sell teeth whitening strips, which can offer fast and easy results. 

For instance, you can whiten your teeth at home using crest teeth whitening strips. These are simple and quick to use, giving you results in 30 minutes. The more often you use them, the brighter and whiter your smile will be. 

It is important to maintain a healthy diet and regular oral hygiene routine for maximised and lasting results.

Use the right oral care

Using the right oral hygiene care is a smart and safe way to whiten your teeth

For example, an electric toothbrush can offer enhanced whitening results as it works to diminish all plaque and bacteria buildup. Not brushing your teeth adequately might be the reason your smile isn’t as bright as you wish it to be. 

Furthermore, using a whitening toothpaste with protective properties will ensure maximised brightness and health of your teeth. 

See a dentist

Heading to your local dentist might be your preferred answer to whitening your teeth. There, you can attain professional and safe teeth whitening. Although at-home teeth whitening treatments can be safe, certainty is guaranteed using an oral expert. 

This option might cost a lot more, but it is safer and sometimes offers longer-lasting results. 

Use baking soda

A natural and inexpensive way to whiten your teeth is to use baking soda. Although it might taste nasty and feel horrible, baking soda works to remove yellow stains from teeth. 

You can use baking soda by mixing two teaspoons of water with one teaspoon of baking soda. Use it as you would normal toothpaste and rinse thoroughly. 

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is another at-home teeth whitening treatment that can offer lasting results if you use it often. It can also help to reduce inflammation if you have sensitive gums that don’t react well with other whitening treatments. 

It is common to use coconut oil, which works to remove bacteria and whiten your enamel. 

Oil pulling can offer lasting results but they might not be as impressive as other methods. It is safe, especially if you use natural oils. However, do not expect the most amazing results. Sometimes, this can be combined with another method for maximised results. For instance, pairing this with a better oral health routine can offer great results.