A Guide to Getting Kids More Active

BMX bike parked beside fence and building during day
Photo by Nelson Ndongala on Unsplash

Keeping kids active is a responsibility that all parents must take seriously, especially in today’s world. After all, childhood obesity figures have grown rapidly in the digital age. A lack of activity also sees kids miss out on key parts of their development.

Worse still, the restrictions imposed by the pandemic have seen many kids get comfortable with staying inactive. Here’s how you can help them discover (or rediscover) the benefits of staying active.

Enjoy Family Days Out

Tablets and smartphones are great for curing boredom. Ultimately, though, most kids would still prefer to be outside creating memories. Even if they don’t appreciate it beforehand, they will love it once they are out and enjoying activities.

There are plenty of fun seasonal activities to consider throughout the year. We recently did an autumnal day out, and will soon be jumping straight into the festive events. Of course, there are plenty of attractions and days out that run all year long.

Whether it’s exploring the local area or visiting new places, it’s a great way to keep kids physically active. Better still, they’ll be mentally engaged. 

Invest In Fun

Enjoying days out is one thing, but encouraging kids to enjoy family walks or enjoy activities on your doorstep can be harder. When walking fails to stimulate them, there are plenty of alternative solutions for them to consider. They can be your secret weapon.

Finding roller skates for kids can be a game changer. They’ll want to test out their wheels, which makes it far easier to keep them active. It provides a brilliant leg workout while also helping kids with balance, coordination, and strength.

Bicycles and scooters are also great options. Find what works for your kid, and you should see a noticeable change with instant and lasting results. 

Be Active At Home

The home is where we spend more time than any other setting. So, it makes sense to encourage activeness at home. The garden is naturally a great asset if you have one. From climbing frames to enjoying kid-friendly gardening activities, there are many options. 

Inside the home, active computer games are one option. Otherwise, you could look to balance bars or other gym-based equipment. A punch bag and gloves can also work wonders. It also gives kids a chance to let off some steam.

Being active at home is particularly useful in the winter months. Even in the summer, though, those items will be very useful. 

Help Them Find An Active Hobby

Parents don’t have to participate in all aspects of a child’s exercise. In fact, most will gain more enjoyment from activities that include their friends. Supporting them with a hobby that falls into this category can make a huge difference. Not least to their motivation.

While team sports stand out as the obvious choice, there are many other options. Dance clubs for kids can be equally rewarding. It promotes structured exercise while your child may also look to train at home, which brings further rewards.

When combined with the other steps mentioned above, your child will be back to loving physical activity in next to no time.