Why is your Home Always Cold – And What Can you Do About It?

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Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

If you feel as though your home is always cold then you will know how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though it’s never the comfortable haven it could be, and at times, you may even feel like nothing you do works. If this sounds like you then you have nothing to worry about. This guide will show you what steps you can take to turn things around, today.

New Filter

This is a minor fix, but it’s an important one. If you are due a new filter then this could be affecting how efficient your home’s heating is. If your filter isn’t the issue, it could be your thermostat. One way for you to find out would be for you to give your heating system a check-up. It’s time to do a routine inspection to see if your heating is working at optimal efficiency. If it’s not then this could lead to problems later down the line, so make sure that you get it dealt with now.

New Boiler

A bigger issue would be if you need a new boiler. It may be that you are having issues with your furnace, boiler or heat pump. It may also be that it’s too small for your home. Either way, if this is the case then you’ll need to get it replaced if you want to see an improvement. You may be able to qualify for a grant if this is the case, so it’s worth looking into that.


Your home’s insulation can wear down over time. Your home may also have hidden pockets that are not properly insulated as well. If this is the case then you need to get it sorted out as soon as possible. If you don’t then this can cause heat to escape, as well as rocketing your bills. Make sure that you get your home inspected if you worry that this is the case.

Old Windows

Old windows can lead to major heat loss in your home. If you want to do something about this then take the time to inspect all of your windows to find out if you have single-glazing or if you have double-glazing. If you only have single then you have found the source of your heat loss. Make sure that you hire a window professional if this is the case, as they will be able to work with you to make sure that you get the result you want out of your home

Air Leaks

This is another huge issue. Air leaks can cause huge levels of heat loss and if you don’t deal with them then you may find that the issue only gets worse. Air leaks can be in your attic, in the foundation of your home and even in the plumbing fixtures. If your home has not been air-sealed then this is something you need to get done, because it is probably the reason why your home is cold all the time. Luckily, you can get it sorted if you act now.