Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Hello, hello, I’m breaking up the gift guides with a bit of a career focussed post. As someone who has found an untapped area of the market, and built up a business, you want to ensure that your company keeps on growing and remains positive in the eyes of your clients. To do this, you need to set yourself standards and rules, even if you work as a sole trader. Binding yourself to working morals can help keep you on track, and present you as a hard-working and reliable individual to others.

For the most part, instant success doesn’t happen. A company that has high profits and good ratings is usually due to time spent improving and building the company up, as opposed to immediate praise. This means you will need to put time and effort into honing your skills and practices. Nowadays you can run a business from your mobile phone. Just look at these interesting eCommerce statistics.


When a client’s job is completed, the work will need to be paid for. Ideally, you want to get your invoice out as soon as possible, so that the transaction can be completed. Using an online invoice creator, such as, you can make this process a lot easier. Rather than needing to write out some form of invoice which may be lost, or return to the office to create the invoice from scratch, and then get it sent to the client, you can access easy to use invoices online and have them send them out immediately. This may also be preferred by the client themselves, who might want an emailed invoice that can’t be easily lost, and to be able to make their payment instantly upon completion.


Responding to emails, phone calls, and other communication is another way that you can help to give your company a good name. Ultimately, the sooner you are able to respond to a potential client, the more valuable they will feel. In contrast to this, if a response comes days or weeks after their initial communication, that may show a person that their time is not respected, and they may wish to take their business elsewhere.

Ultimately, the manner and timeframe in which you respond to queries will show people how dedicated you are, and how much you respect their interest in your business.


In the modern world, most people want to decrease the amount of impact that they have upon the environment. This can often be seen with recycling, and even re-using items as opposed to throwing them away. By doing your bit to remain ethical, you can also show clients that you care about the world around you, as well as doing business. Buying supplies from ethical companies that try to aid the planet, refuse to test on animals, and pay workers and farmers across the globe a living wage can show people just how dedicated you are to responsible practices.

In addition to this, spending some time each month or year engaging in charitable events, or donating money or prizes, can also go a long way towards showing that your company cares more.

Becoming successful does require hard work and dedication, but you may also find that compassion works in your favour. By being the type of person who wants to change things for the better, and always doing your utmost with each job, that success may soon be in your grasp.

*This was a collaborative post but my love of freelancing is 100% my own.