My 2020 Post Lockdown Travel Mantra

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See more, say yes, savour it all.

I’m writing this post to remind post-quarantine me to live life to the fullest, appreciate every travel experience (yes even the boring airport delays/the long flights and the customs queues) while savouring the small simple things. If lockdown has taught me anything, it’s that small taste of regret that I imagine you feel in the last years of your life when you don’t have the luxury of being as young or as healthy as you once were and wish you had spent your best years living out your dreams instead of playing by the rule book.

I was lucky to spend the week before lockdown in Dubai dancing in clubs and sipping wine with beautiful sea views with 2 of my best friends and looking back I wished I had stayed out later, been more present, and generally dedicated myself to making the most of every moment as it’s so easy to take things for granted or get stuck inside your own thoughts. Once your freedom has been limited, it’s amazing how your perspective changes. The benefit of hindsight huh? Here’s what I’ll be doing when normal life returns.

Focus on what I love and do more of it…

Writing. Music. Sunsets. Tea in bed. Large bodies of water. Books. I’m all for being a grown-up and the jobs and responsibilities that come with it but when I look back on my life it will be the moments that made my eyes light up that I’ll remember, not ironing my bedsheets because I felt like I had to. I’m at my happiest jumping up and down at a concert listening to my favourite bands. Well, any band really. But did I make time for it before lockdown? No. I changed my bedsheets once per week, I went to a concert once a year. Live music makes me happy but I rarely make time for it. That’s going to change.

Sunsets and Stargazing with my Favourite People

I have a thing for sunsets and stars. The reflection of the moon on water. The conversations you have while the sun goes down or those 3am chats in the moonlight are ones you often remember forever. Part of my travel mantra is to see more and that includes sunsets. One of the biggest wake-up calls during lockdown has been the absence of family and friends and I think so often it’s the people and the connections you make that make a destination so special. A zoom call is no substitute for a hug, a face to face chat, or a night out. I wrote a bucket list of destinations last year and only ticked off one destination so I plan to revisit it and discover the places I’ve always wanted to go with the people I love most. Bali, Barbados, and Santorini are still on my list. I’m adding St Barths to the mix because it’s my Mum’s dream holiday destination and also Canada because I want to make new memories and connections in new places. I’d love to try one of the Canada Holiday Tours I’ve read so much about on my fave travel blogs where you follow an itinerary so you don’t miss anything. I’d also like to add a writing retreat to the list, I love the idea of writing somewhere beautiful and I have my eye on this breathtaking place in Utah. Just, me, my daughter, and the mountains where I can make memories during the day and write about them at night.

Cherish Old Friendships and Ignite New Ones

Over the last 18 months, I’ve had to deal with losing one of my most treasured relationships and it’s been a long grieving process that I’ve found overwhelming at times. But, one idea that has comforted me throughout, is that some people are only meant to stay in your life for a chapter, the book doesn’t end there and people also come into your life for many reasons in unexpected ways and times. Just as some of our most magical days have yet to transpire, the same can be said of relationships. We haven’t met some of our favourite people yet and that’s something to be excited about. I’m also looking forward to igniting new friendships in the future.

Say yes

I’m going to say yes to everything. I once read a quote that said “Do not resist chances. Take them like vitamins”. This sums up my post lockdown travel mantra perfectly.

What are you going to do when normal life resumes?

*This post was in collaboration with Canadian Affair.