Four Ways to Fall in Love with Your Home in Lockdown

My home is nowhere near perfect, it doesn’t look like one of those interiors accounts on Insta where everything is grey, I don’t have a walk-in closet or even a wine rack. That being said, there are areas of my home that have 100% saved my sanity in lockdown and I’ve totally fallen back in love with some of these areas during the last few months. Here’s how I re-ignited my love for my living space in lockdown and how you can too.

Clear Out Items That Have Lost Their Lustre

A cluttered living space will always feel chaotic. So begin by de-cluttering your wardrobe, throwing out old bedding and tea towels, chipped mugs and threadbare towels. Start with one room of the house and keep only the items that fill your heart with joy. There is something so therapeutic about having a clear-out. Once you have more space, you will feel less claustrophobic (let’s face it, spending so much time in the same 4 walls can often feel this way) and you will be surprised at how much more spacious your rooms will feel. Walking into a room filled with only items you love can’t help but have a positive effect on your mood.

Turn your bathroom into a self-care sanctuary

Having somewhere to go when you feel overwhelmed, tired or stressed is essential in lockdown and for me, that place was my bathroom. I bought a bath caddy and stocked it with little luxuries that helped me carve out a little me time and gave me something to look forward to after a long day. Candles, essential oils, salts would be waiting to ease my tensions. I even started an Instagram account dedicated to bathing! You can find it here.

Start a Garden Project and Actually Finish it

I blogged about embarking on a garden makeover back in 2017. I’m ashamed to say it never transpired. I’ve never been a fan of our back garden but since lockdown, I’ve been so grateful to have any outdoor space at all and also plenty of time to think about how I’d like to improve it. I have grand plans of creating an outdoor cinema set-up but really, the first step is to think up a child-friendly design. I’ve set up Pinterest boards with furniture ideas and followed Instagram accounts brimming with garden inspo but whether you want to know an accurate Resin Driveway Cost or you simply want to invest in new garden furniture or make your own via a little DIY, there has never been a better time to begin a garden project.

Add a Touch of Tranquility to your Bedroom

I’ve majorly up-leveled my bedroom during lockdown. I’m finally ordering a new bed, which let’s face it, is the cornerstone of any bedroom. New bedding (there’s 30% off in the White Company bedroom sale), scented candles, sleep sprays have all been purchased and they make me more excited than ever to flop into bed at 9pm (who am I kidding, 7.30pm most nights). I’ve placed a tray with my favourite face oils, serums, and night creams on my bedside table so I can enjoy my evening skincare regime without hurrying through it which I always almost do if I’m standing at my sink. Lastly, I’ve invested in a few crystals in an attempt to flood my bedroom with positivity and ward off any negative energy.

Have you fallen in love with your home during lockdown?

*This post was a collaboration with The Yorkshire Resin Company

1 Comment

  1. Classy Lifestyle
    June 23, 2020 / 10:29 pm

    Great post! I love the ‘turn your bathroom into a sanctuary’ idea. I actually started doing a lot of these things when quarantine first hit to make things feel a little calmer. I got some salt lamps, candles, essential oil diffusers, and even those adhesive glow-in-the-dark stars for my ceiling which still make me smile when I see them 🙂
    Thanks for the suggestions – hopefully quarantine lifts soon!