Day 2: Dry Shampoo For Your Clothes

There are soooo many huge issues that we could be discussing right now and so many wild things that I could be sharing with you guys from my personal life, but what I really want to talk about is this little gem of a product. Because sometimes, whether you are going through stress in your personal life, winging your way through motherhood or just busy in general, clean clothes are a godsend. As a new mum, dry shampoo is an everyday essential, I barely have time to slap a wet wipe over my face never mind wash my hair and blowdry it so can you imagine my delight when I discovered a product like this for my clothing?

The clever team at Day 2 have created a trio of products that are designed to rejuvenate your garments so they look day one fresh on day two or three. There’s an original formula and then specialised sprays for denim and delicates. Day 2 kindly gifted me one of each of the variations to try and anything that means that I don’t have to iron or do washing every day is a win in my book. With 25 uses in one bottle, you can gain precious minutes back each day. The dry wash spray claims to soften, freshen and de-wrinkle so whether you need to perk up the blouse that you wore for an afternoon, or the jeans that you left screwed up on the floor, you can do in a flash!

Simply spray, smooth out and hang up! I love the versatility of the original one but I think I’ll use the denim spray the most as I rarely wash my jeans! I mean who has the actual time to wash their jeans? If I have a spare ten minutes, it’s being spent having a power nap.

Have you tried Day 2?