Popular Beauty Trends Of 2022 And How To Incorporate Them Into Your Routine

woman with red lips

The beauty industry is a huge multi-billion-pound industry that has a huge influence on the way many people choose to look. Every year we see different trends popping up and while some stay for a few years, others only last a few months. If you are someone who is interested in the beauty industry, then you will be interested to read about the popular beauty trends of 2022. In this article, we will discuss four of the most popular trends this year, so keep reading to find out more.

2000s Inspired Make-Up

The 2000s have truly come back in full swing and the classic Y2K style has even been spotted on the red carpets. If you are someone who lived through the 2000s, then you may be wondering how this style has managed to make a comeback. The 2000s were not known to be an era of high fashion, but somehow the baby tees, mini-skirts and 2000s make-up have made their way back. 2000s make-up was all about glossy lips, soft eye shadow, and glitter and it is fun to see the modern twists on some of these looks.

Cosmetic Treatments

Another beauty trend that has been popular in 2022 is cosmetic treatments. The evolution of cosmetic treatments has been beneficial for everyone because now they are done in a much more subtle manner. Not only this, but cosmetic treatments are now not something that is only reserved for the mega-rich, everyday people can now go into a clinic like City Skin Clinic in London and get chin fillers, Botox, and lip fillers. Cosmetic treatments are now less stigmatised too and they are seen as just a casual part of people’s beauty routines. They are also a lot safer than they used to be too, which means there is much less risk involved.

Creative Eye Make-up

2022 has definitely been the year for creative eye make-up, a trend that has almost certainly become popular due to the app TikTok. TikTok allows content creators to easily share all of their creative looks in an instant, which means thousands of people can be influenced and inspired to create their own looks. Being able to create impressive eye make-up is no easy feat, so it is so great to see so many people being creative with colours and expressing themselves through make-up. This is a trend that we think will last and will also only get better over time.

Fluffy Eyebrows

When it comes to beauty trends, eyebrows are often at the forefront. Throughout recent history, eyebrows have become something of a fashion statement, and we have seen them go from one extreme to the other. The pencil-thin eyebrows were icons of the 90s, whereas now, natural, fluffy brows have made a comeback. The comeback of natural brows will be a huge sigh of relief to so many of us who painstakingly tweezed our eyebrows in the early 2000s. It’s unclear whether the natural brow is here to stay, but it is safe to say that it is currently having its own moment in the spotlight.